• We call for the rolling back of wars and terrorism,
the one-world government, globalist, international capitalist/communist
agenda and all manipulations of the people and the economies
and currencies, including through global warming and carbon
emission control fears
• We call for the rolling back of all UFO/alien activity
and fascination thereof, including all goverment involvement
• We call for enlightenment regarding the harm marijuana
and other drugs do to the chakras, for the protection of the
youth of the world and the arresting of all drug trafficking
• We call for enlightenment regarding suicide and assisted
death and the cutting free of all souls contemplating this outcome
• We call for proper understanding regarding the correct
use of the energies of the base-of-the-spine chakra and enlightenment
regarding the spiritual dangers pertaining to the misuses of
the sacred fire in excessive or perverted sexuality, as well
as the misuses of music and rhythm in rock, rap, heavy metal
that tear down the chakras
• We call for the elimination and transmutation of all
forms of pollutants, GMOs, chemtrails, fueled by government
and corporate fascism (including Monsanto) that would deprive
people of clean food, water and those elements essential to
• We call for the transmutation of all karmas that would
result in environmental disasters and cataclysm. We call for
the ability to transition toward a golden age society with a
minimum of destruction and loss of life
• We call for the rolling back of all forms of genetic
engineering, splicing human genes with animal genes or robotic
material, and the rolling back of any and all mainstreaming
of people becoming chipped. We also call for the rolling back
of all merging of humans with artificial intelligence and robot
creation, as any and all taking over of the planet by mechanization
• We call for the annihilation of all forms of cannibalism
that still exist on this planet
• We call for the protection of our power grid and energy
system and the protection of our food supply
• We call for the protection of all of those who are engaged
in right action and who are spiritual freedom fighters and for
the protection of their right to free speech
• We call for the spiritual judgment and curtailing of
power of those who serve in positions of authority who are truly
dedicated to evil, and especially those who have satanic and
Illuminati ties and connections, including in the Vatican and
in the governments of the world
• We call for the spiritual disempowerment of the Chinese
regime, including all attacks against Taiwan, Tibet, Falun Gong
practitioners, and organ harvesting of political prisoners
• We call for the rolling back of mass migration in Europe,
Islamic terrorism and all that seeks to implode and destroy
Western civilization
• We call for the protection and full outpicturing of
the divine plan of the United States of America and her borders
• We call for the correcting of our educational system
and the elimination of all Common Core type initiatives that
do not foster the Christ potential of our youth but rather seek
to dumb down the individual in favor of conformity
• We call for the overcoming of all forms of racial and
religious fanaticism, hatred, intolerance and terrorism
• We call for the protection and freedom of the internet
and all forms of technological advances that promote enlightenment
and good will
• We call for the transmutation of all negative prophecies
for this age including all worst case scenarios of the end times
May all of these challenges be de-escalated and replaced with
an expanded sense of personal Christhood and spiritual brotherhood
worldwide, based on a culture of good will that already exists
in the etheric planes of the Heaven World.
We ask for this to be done according to God's Holy Will.