for Ancient Adepts
Modern Mystics
on the book,
Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray:
The Opening of the Seventh Seal
Those Who Seek Reunion With God
In Service To Mankind
teaching you are about to read is an advanced mystery school teaching
that you can assimilate bit by bit for spiritual acceleration and
reunion with God. Given by Sanat Kumara through
his messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, it outlines a path of sacrifice,
surrender, selflessness and service that leads
to permanent soul integration with God and that all saints,
adepts and mystics, East and West, have walked.
An initiation
is a test given by a master. At the discretion of the master, initiations
may be given a number of times or postponed until further readiness.
Each test passed clears the way to anchor more light and to advance
in spiritual attainment.
The Ruby Ray
initiations described below are an ever-transcending spiral:
The initiations in Spirit that help us to become the Christ incarnate
• The initiations in Matter where
we “work the works of Him that sent us”
• The initiations of the Saints who
follow the Lamb and anchor the Divine Word
The initiations
are sponsored through four spiritual offices described in the books
of Ezekiel and Revelation as the Lion, the Man, the Calf and the
Flying Eagle. These four offices anchor the energies of fire, air,
water and earth through the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio
into our etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies.
The book
explains: “The Four Cosmic Forces sustain the vision of God
as universal awareness of the Creator within the creation. They
are perpetually stepping down the light of Solar Logoi, cosmic messengers
of Alpha and Omega positioned in the flaming yods of the galaxies.
They render the light, the energy of the Word, intelligible to electrons
in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. They deliver the
initiations of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother
to souls making their way to the Great Pyramid of Life.”
Initiations of the Word in Spirit

Four masters in the heaven world step down the
great light of the four cosmic forces into an energy that we work
with on Earth. They are Lord Maitreya, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ
and Sanat Kumara.
Lord Maitreya
occupies the office of the Lion as the Father. He demonstrates the
path of sacrifice through the mastery of the memory, or etheric
body. Lord Jesus occupies
the office of the Man as the Son. He demonstrates the path of surrender
through the mastery of the mind, or mental body. Lord
Sanat Kumara occupies the office of the Eagle as the Mother. He
demonstrates the path of selflessness through the mastery of desire,
or emotional body. Lord Gautama
Buddha occupies the office of the Calf as the Holy Spirit. He demonstrates
the path of service through the mastery of the physical body.
four masters help us to become the Christ incarnate through four
initiations, the "initiations foursquare." Each initiation
contains the blueprint of the City Foursquare, described in the
Book of Revelation. If you chart the initiations in the order they
are given, the pathway of energy is like the lightning flash described
in Kabbalah that brings the light of Ein Sof, the ineffable God,
into the world of form (see above chart). This is the New Jerusalem
coming out of heaven, also described by John in Revelation.
Lord Maitreya Initiates Us on the Path
of Sacrifice Through the Office of the Lion

The first
initiation is the initiation of sacrifice that comes on the North
Gate, through the office of the Lion, occupied by Lord Maitreya
(p.123). Lord Maitreya initiates us in the etheric/fire quadrant.
He teaches the command of the sacred fire in heaven and in earth.
He sets the blueprint for the initiations that will follow and imparts
the spiritual fire we need to move forward.
The book
describes: “When the lion roars, the fire of First Cause proceeds
out of his mouth with the force of the fiery baptism.” Lord
Maitreya opens the sacred mysteries of the heart under the hierarchy
of Leo. He facilitates the divine interchange between Father and
Son, where the son declares, “I and my Father are one,”
and the father replies, “This is my beloved son, in whom I
am well pleased.”
To receive
the initiation of the Lion, you must be willing to sacrifice all
self-indulgence. You must be willing to eat the book described in
Revelation as “sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly.”
This means you must be ready to study and assimilate spiritual teachings
that, by and by, will lead you to forsake your human agendas and
set your course towards oneness with God.
What is
the message of the little book? To slay all self indulgence, to
embody the four cosmic forces, to become the fullness of Christ
in the footsteps of Jesus and to impart this awareness to others
so they might do likewise.
Sanat Kumara
explains that the little book is sweet in the mouth and bitter in
the belly because the word of God, when it is given, is received
joyfully and eagerly by his sons and daughters. Once they realize,
however, that they must go through a painful process of purging
in order to achieve a complete transformation of consciousness,
they experience the seeming bitterness of sacrifice, surrender,
selflessness, and service.
To seek
union with Maitreya, you may not challenge the Law of the Father.
You must stop playing Russian roulette with spiritual self-annihilation.
You must forsake the misuses of the sacred fire in all of your energy
centers so you can receive the initiations of the Tree of Life.
baptism from Lord Maitreya is an inner initiation that requires
right choosing. It activates the yellow ray of wisdom and illumination
that is focused in the crown chakra. Then, you will begin to teach
the mastery of the soul wedded to Christ in the etheric (memory)
Kumara explains that Maitreya's spiritual office is opposed by forces
of evil described in the Book of Revelation as the dragon. The dragon
is personified through the seed of Lucifer (the son of the morning
who fell, described in Isaiah), the watchers and their soulless
of Sacrifice
Beloved Maitreya, thou Lion of God, I ask in the name of God
I AM THAT I AM and in the name of Jesus Christ: help me to shed
my human ego. Help me to let go of that which I have held dear—my
name, my fame, my wants, my human ambition, my pride, my resentments,
and any sense of unworthiness or false humility. Help me to
sacrifice for a greater cause, for my permanent reunion with
God. Help me to assimilate the teachings that are sweet in the
mouth and bitter in the belly. Help me to overcome. Help me
to sustain the fervor to always keep on keeping on, no matter
what the test. Flood my crown chakra now with the wisdom of
God that I might know better, do better and come home. Through
your emissary Archangel Jofiel, cast out the carnal mind of
Lucifer, all luciferian seeds, clones and carbon copies within
and without. Bind the watchers and their godless, soulless creation.
This which I call forth for myself, I call forth for every lightbearer
on this planet. Let it be done according to God’s Holy
Will. Om. Amen
Gautama Buddha Initiates Us on the
Path of Service Through the Office of the Calf

The next
initiation is an initiation of service, brought to us on the West
Gate through Gautama Buddha (p. 124). It comes through the Calf,
which Sanat Kumara explains is the archetype of the Christ crucified.
This initiation is physical, in that it requires we take up our
burdens and balance our karma in a physical way.
To receive
this initiation, we must be willing to be crucified—spiritually,
mentally, emotionally, and in some cases physically—in order
to balance our personal karma and to carry an increment of world
karma, as Jesus did.
The crucifixion
is the death of indulgent human self-love so the Divine Ego can
arise. It is an alchemy of self-transcendence whereby “this
mortal shall put on immortality and this corruptible shall put on
incorruption,”as the apostle Paul explained. By balancing
our karma and holding the balance for the weight of the world, we
also render great service to life.
To advance
on the path of reunion with God, we must be willing to forsake selfishness
and to experience suffering and persecution. We affirm with the
apostle Paul, “I die daily,” and rejoice in the promise
of the resurrection described by John: “Beloved, now are we
the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but
we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we
shall see him as he is.”
The initiation
of the West Gate is an initiation of love. It activates the pink
ray of God’s love, focused in the heart chakra. As the love
fire of our heart expands, so does our ability to render service
in the earth.
Sanat Kumara
explains that the spiritual office of Gautama Buddha is opposed
by forces of evil described in the Book of Revelation as the false
prophet and his false hierarchy of false prophets.
of Service
Beloved Lord Gautama Buddha, in the name of God I AM THAT I
AM and in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to drink the full
cup, as Jesus did. No matter what difficulties, persecutions,
or pain may come my way, help me to keep my eye on the goal.
Help me to bear my cross and rejoice in knowing that I serve
my brothers and sisters and lighten their load. Help me to be
obedient to the law of return, to be faithful to the end of
cycles when all debts have been paid. Expand the love of my
heart day by day that I might serve all life free, and especially
those who are nearest to me. Through your emissary Archangel
Uzziel, cast out the consciousness of the false prophet in the
microcosm and in the macrocosm, that would jeer at the Christ
crucified and at the promise of the resurrection. This which
I call forth for myself, I call forth for every lightbearer
on this planet. Let it be done according to God’s Holy
Will. Om. Amen
Jesus Initiates Us on the Path of
Surrender Through the Office of the Man

The third
initiation is an initiation of surrender through the Office of the
Man occupied by Jesus (p.125). The Man represents the wayshower,
the living Saviour who saves our soul in the resurrection.
The initiation of the man occupies the mental
plane and requires us to make a conscious choice. Here, we must
be willing to surrender our ego dramas and embrace the resurrection
through which we become Sons and Daughters of God.
There comes
a point on the spiritual path when, having experienced the crucifixion,
we must come down from the cross. We must surrender our affronts,
the via dolorosa (path of sorrows), and our identification with
spiritual, mental, emotional or physical duress. We must be willing
to let the old man die and be born again, resurrected as a new creature
in Christ. We must understand the words of Jesus recorded by John,
“Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth
alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” When
we stop identifying with our suffering, we can bring forth this
The initiation
of the East Gate is an initiation of power that comes after we have
anchored a certain increment of wisdom and love through the previous
two initiations. It activates the blue ray of God’s power,
focused in the throat chakra. True spiritual power is having the
wisdom to love. It comes to us when we are resurrected in Christ
and go forth as a mighty harvester speaking the Word of God for
Kumara explains the spiritual office of Jesus is opposed by forces
of evil described in the Book of Revelation as Satan, the Antichrist,
the original murderer and his murder, personified through the false
hierarchy of antichrists and the seed of Satan. During his Palestinian
ministry, it was Satan who tempted Jesus after forty days in the
wilderness and again in the garden of Gethsemane.
of Surrender
In the name of God I AM THAT I AM, my own Holy Christ Self,
Beloved Lord Jesus, help me to surrender my identification with
pain, suffering, victimization and any and all resentment or
anger at God that I have held on to through a false sense of
injustice. Grant me faith. Strip me of the fear of dying as
I lay down my lesser self. Walk with me into the tomb of matter,
the chrysalis, so that I might emerge as the butterfly, as a
new creature in Christ, my own resurrected Self. Then may I
go forth to deliver the Word, to bring home the harvest empowered
by your grace. Through your emissary Archangel Zadkiel, consume
the seeds of Satan and the consciousness of the antichrist that
would murder the divine manchild aborning within my heart and
soul. This which I call forth for myself, I call forth for every
lightbearer on this planet. Let it be done according to God’s
Holy Will. Om. Amen
Kumara Initiates Us on the Path of
Selflessness Through the Office of the Flying Eagle

The final
initiation is an initiation of selflessness brought to us by Sanat
Kumara through the office of the Flying Eagle (p. 126). The Flying
Eagle is the vision of the Woman united with the Holy Spirit, teaching
her children self-effacement, selflessness and soul mastery.
This initiation
marks our union with God. It occupies the emotional quadrant of
our being and demands that we purge our subconscious of all desires
that are less than the desiring to be God.
The intent
set forth in the first initiation comes full circle. Having let
go of all human wanting and pride, we become filled with the Spirit
of God. We repeat the words taught by Jesus to Saint Catherine of
Siena, “Thou the all, I the nothing,” and become vessels
of our higher self and of the Holy Spirit.
To receive
this initiation of selflessness, you must be willing to slay self-idolatry
and self-love and follow the Flying Eagle at ascension’s gate.
Only by lightening your load of human substance can you partake
with the saints who have ascended in light.
The initiation
of the South Gate is an initiation of purity. It activates the white
ray of God’s purity, the Shekinah glory in the base of the
spine chakra. The more we are purified, the more our emotional body
becomes filled with a great desiring to be God.
Kumara explains that his spiritual office is opposed by forces of
evil described in the Book of Revelation as the Great Whore and
the scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy. These are
personified through false pastors who feed on the light of their
followers, leading the children of God astray by warping the divine
Word and by promoting a personality cult. The imposters represent
the anti-church and the anti-apostles, under the false hierarchy
office of the Adversary of the Ancient of Days and his hierarchy
of adversaries drunken with the light of the saints and the martyrs
of Jesus.
of Selflessness
In the name I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Jesus Christ, Beloved
Lord Sanat Kumara, thou Flying Eagle at Ascension’s Gates,
help me to follow you. Grant me the purity of soul that I need
to reach the pinnacle of being. Help me to cast all lesser desires
into the flame, all pride of position, all fears and blames.
Intensify the white fire in my base of the spine chakra, elevating
my soul on the shaft of Mother Light up the tree of life, imbued
with the Shekinah glory. I run to you, to my union with God
and I forsake all else, that I might receive the crown of Life.
Through your emissary Archangel Uriel, help me to cast out all
superconscious, conscious, subconscious and unconscious craving
to be superior to others. Root out from my consciousness the
lusts of the Great Whore and most especially my vulnerability
to pride, which goeth before the fall. Help me to die daily
to my human ego, to stop reinforcing the agendas of my human
personality. Grant me humility and an ever-increasing momentum
in glorifying God. This which I call forth for myself, I call
forth for every lightbearer on this planet. Let it be done according
to God’s Holy Will. Om. Amen
Initiations of the Work in Matter

Each of
these four masters also initiate us in the Matter spheres. This
is where the Word becomes the Work, as we demonstrate our mastery
in daily service to life. The Word of Spirit is anchored in Matter
through action, and the New Jerusalem descending out of Heaven becomes
the City Foursquare.
The four
gates are still guarded by the offices of the lion, the calf, the
man and the flying eagle. In matter however, they are occupied by
the souls of devotees who are grouped into four categories:
the saints on the North gate
the great multitude on the West Gate
(3) the two witnesses held by the prophets,
messengers and Christed ones on the East Gate
the Woman clothed with the Sun and her children, who keep the
vigil at the mystery school on the South Gate.
The four
initiations in matter are four stages in Christhood and "initiations
of the Lamb" that reflect the initiations in spirit and fulfill
the hermetic maxim, “as above so below.” Now, the south
gate is at the top and the north gate is at the bottom (see chart
above). If you were to fold up both spheres through the middle,
they would be congruent. The sequence of initiations in matter cycles
back up. Now it is light below, in matter, ascending back to light
above, in spirit.
The Initiation of the Man
in Matter Is to Become
Sons and Daughters of God.
The Work Is
Witnessing Unto Christ.

first initiation is delivered through the office of the Man by Jesus
(p. 202). It is the initiation of the Two Witnesses brought to the
Messengers, Prophets and Christed Ones.
the son of man becomes the Son or Daughter of God by sacrificing
human personality and by balancing world karma (paying for the sins
of the world.)
the Office of the Man in Matter, the flame of power is anchored
as truth, healing and God vision through the third eye chakra into
the mental quadrant.
This initiation requires a conscious choice from Sons
and Daughters of God, willing to speak the truth and to challenge
embodied evil. They must witness to Christ within Jesus and within
themselves before the fallen ones, and be persecuted for righteousnes
sake, for sitting under their own vine and fig tree.
Kumara explains that this spiritual office is opposed by forces
of evil described in the Book of Revelation as Serpent and his seed,
the original liar and his lie, personified through false Christs
and false prophets in church and state, who are liars, spoilers
and false witnesses.
for Divine Sonship
In the
name of God I AM THAT I AM and my own Holy Christ Self, Beloved
Jesus, I call to you to help me to walk in your footsteps as
a Son or Daughter of God. Grant me the courage to sacrifice
my human personality, to be the Good Shepherd and to witness
to the truth. Help me to endure unto the end of personal and
planetary karma, that I may receive the crown of life. Through
your emissary Archangel Michael, expose the truth. Rebuke the
lie of Serpent and all tactics of divide and conquer, Gog and
Magog, and spiritual compromise that attack the vision of the
prophet Micah—each man under his own vine and fig tree.
I now forsake the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for
I have had enough rounds experimenting in time and space. I
would climb the rungs of my tree of life and come home. This
which I call forth for myself, I call forth for every lightbearer
on this planet. Let it be done according to God’s Holy
Will. Om. Amen
Initiation of the Lion in Matter Is Baptism.
The Work Is Ministration.

The second initiation
of the saints given by the Father to the children, and sons and
daughters of God is baptism (p. 203). Baptism downloads the etheric
blueprint of the mission of the saints. It physically delivers the
fire of the Lion to those who would purify their motives and desires.
Like Jesus, baptized by John in the river Jordan, we become vessels
of the Lamb, instruments of the Christ consciousness.
the Office of the Lion in Matter, the flame of wisdom is anchored
as ministration and service in the solar plexus chakra. The saints
fulfill the initiations of the bride of Christ and minister to the
body of God upon earth. They are the living church and have the
white cube in their hearts. They follow His commandment, “Be
ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is
Sanat Kumara
explains that this spiritual office is opposed by forces of evil
described in the Book of Revelation as the Accuser of the Brethren,
the laggards and betrayers, Abaddon, his fallen angels and the devils
and beasts out of the bottomless pit that make war with the Lamb
and his chosen and faithful.
for Baptism
In the name of God I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Jesus Christ,
Beloved Lord Maitreya, baptize me, I pray, with the Fire of
the Lion. I would be one with thee. I would serve and minister
to others in the footsteps of my Lord and Savior. I would be
the beloved Son or Daughter in whom you are well pleased. Through
your emissary Archangel Chamuel, cast out the laggard consciousness
of Abaddon and the accuser of the brethren from the body of
God on Earth. Help me to champion the Lamb and his chosen and
faithful as I bow to the Light of God ensconced in the hearts
of my brothers and sisters. This which I call forth for myself,
I call forth for every lightbearer on this planet. Let it be
done according to God’s Holy Will. Om. Amen
Initiation of the Calf in Matter is the Transfiguration.
The Work is Community
Building and Outreach.
The third initiation
is delivered through the Office of the Calf by Gautama Buddha (p.204).
It is the initiation of the transfiguration described in the New
Testament, “His face did shine as the sun and his garments
became glistening, exceeding white; so as no fuller on earth can
white them.” There is a cosmic interchange between spirit
and matter whereby the lead of human consciousness is transmuted
into the gold of the Spirit. This occurs through the action of the
Holy Spirit known as the violet flame of freedom.
In the Office
of the Calf in matter, divine love is anchored as forgiveness in
the physical plane, through the seat of the soul chakra. It is an
alchemy of the seventh ray.
The activities
of the disciples on the west gate represent a worldwide movement
in higher consciousness. This is the gate of the future where the
great harvest will take place. Those who receive the initiations
of the Calf walk with the Holy Spirit. They come into unity to build
true community and brotherhood. Sealed by the love of the Holy Spirit,
they bear the hatred of the carnal mind pitted against the circle
of their oneness.
The initiates
of the Calf intensify the flame of love. They are filled with the
joy of the living Christ and share his intimacy with the Father,
as Jesus did. Unto them is given the science of the spoken word,
“that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he
may give it you.” They serve all life and become good shepherds
to the great multitude, who patiently and faithfully await their
own deliverance.
Sanat Kumara
explains that this spiritual office is opposed by forces of evil
described in the Book of Revelation as the beasts out of the sea
and out of the earth, the dragon who gave them their power, seat
and great authority, the one named blasphemy and his number 666.
The attack comes through archdeceivers who steal the abundance of
the lightbearers, especially within the international banking system,
communism supported by capitalism, and the creation of a one world
government and economy.
for Transfiguration
In the name of God I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Jesus, Beloved
Gautama Buddha, I call to thee for the transfiguration, the
scarlet stain transmuted into thy essence white. Charge me with
the fire of the Holy Spirit. Purge my carnal mind and deliver
me. Send me as the Good Shepherd. Anoint me for greater service.
Consume in me all that would resist true Brotherhood. Through
your emissary Archangel Raphael, cast out all forces of evil
that oppose the advent of the Community of the Holy Spirit and
my place in it, through attacks on my supply and my rightful
abundance as I work to fulfill my spiritual purpose. This which
I call forth for myself, I call forth for every lightbearer
on this planet.
Let it be done according to God’s Holy Will. Om. Amen.
Initiations of the Flying Eagle in Matter are
the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and
the Ascension. The Work is Integration and Oneness with God.
the Office of the Flying Eagle in Matter, the fires of purity crystallize
into the flame of integration burning in the secret chamber of the
heart (p. 206). The initiations of this South gate become the portal
between heaven and earth, where the Woman clothed with the Sun and
her chelas pass through the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the
final initiations lead to permanent reunion with God, having, like
Jesus, overcome the world and all that is less than God desire.
The Mother Light and Kundalini fire become the vehicle for the ascension
through the eighth ray of oneness with God.
initiations of the eighth ray are difficult and sift the tares from
the wheat in our own consciousness. When they come upon us, we are
required to choose between integration and disintegration. All that
is unreal within us must pass into the flame and we must give our
all. As we withhold nothing from God, God withholds nothing from
us and we become one.
Kumara explains that this spiritual office is opposed by forces
of evil described in the book of Revelation as Jezebel and Babylon
the Great, personified through the misuse of the sexual energies,
child abuse, abortion, greed, materialism, murder, false gurus,
black magic and witchcraft.
for Oneness
the name of God I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Jesus Christ,
O Beloved Sanat Kumara, thou Flying Eagle at Ascension’s
gate, walk with me through the fourteen stations of the cross.
Help me to shed all desires less than God’s desiring to
be God within me. Accelerate the fires of ascension’s
flame that I may fully integrate with my God Self. Through your
emissary Archangel Gabriel, cast out all forces of evil that
oppose my oneness with God and play out on this planet as misuse
of sexual energies, child abuse, abortion, greed, materialism,
murder, false gurus, black magic and witchcraft. This which
I call forth for myself, I call forth for every lightbearer
on this planet. Let it be done according to God’s Holy
Will. Om. Amen.
Initiations of Fohat
Path of the Ruby Ray has eight initiations that pertain to the delivery
of the Word of God through the Spirit of God (p. 276). These eight
initiations are given by Jesus, Maitreya, Gautama Buddha and Sanat
Kumara in a figure-eight flow between Spirit and Matter. By internalizing
them, we are able to deliver "fohat," fire of the Word
that has the power to convert, heal and save.
Passing these
initiations, we become instruments of God, who is the Word,
described in the West through the Gospel of John: “In the
beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was
God.” In the East, this teaching is found in the Vedas: “In
the beginning was Brahman (the Supreme God, the Father) with whom
was the Word and the Word was verily the Supreme Brahman.”
We embody
Vach, which in Sanskrit means "sound, voice, word, mystic sound
(svara), essence of spirit of the divine creative activity, vehicle
of divine thought of which the Word is the manifested expression.”
We embody the “I AM HE” consciousness that Jesus demonstrated
when the Pharisees asked him, “By what authority do you speak?”
The initiations
of fohat on the four gates in Spirit are for the power of the Word,
the wisdom of the Word, the love of the Word and the purity of the
Word. The initiations of fohat on the four gates in Matter are for
the science of the Word, the ministration of the Word, the alchemy
of the Word and the integration of the Word.
Power of the Word

The first
initiation is the power of the Word, given to us under the Office
of the Man by Jesus. It accelerates our throat chakra (above) through
preaching the gospel in obedience to God’s Will.
Here, you
experience the interaction of the Father and the Son within your
temple and you understand why Jesus said, “He that believeth
on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.” When
you speak through the Power of the Word, you know it is not your
human ego talking and you can say, like the prophets of old, “The
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it!”
To prepare
yourself to receive this initiation, you must surrender all gossip,
calumny and proud boasting.
of the Word

The second
initiation is the wisdom of the Word, given to us under the Office
of the Lion by Lord Maitreya. It accelerates our crown chakra (above).
The aspect
of preaching that is focused through this initiation is the ability
to reach souls, leading them away from unreality, materialism and
idolatry. The light of Christ within the individual who receives
the Word is quickened and a transfer of light and consciousness
occurs. The role of the preacher is simply to ignite that interchange.
This was demonstated by Jesus in the raising of Lazarus when he
spoke the fiat, “Lazarus come forth.” Jesus released
fohat that quickened Lazarus’ connection to his higher self,
restored the flow of sacred fire into his heart and allowed him
to return to life.
Those who
fail this second initiation preach to boost an ego following and
bind people to themselves instead of to God.
of the Word

The third
initiation is the love of the Word, given to us under the Office
of the Calf by Gautama Buddha. It accelerates our heart chakra (above)
so we can exorcise evil spirits through love and the spoken word.
It also pertains to discerning right from wrong and good from evil,
using the wisdom of the heart. This initiation was demonstrated
by Jesus when he cast out devils, asking them first for their name.
The book
gives a spiritual formula for this work known as the Ritual of Exorcism.
It is recommended that this prayer, invoked in the name I AM THAT
I AM through the science of the spoken word, always be given by
two or more people, following prayers of protection to Archangel
of the Word

fourth initiation is the purity of the Word, given to us under the
Office of the Flying Eagle by Sanat Kumara. Here, we must exercise
pure intent while giving the science of the spoken word, which accelerates
our base-of-the-spine chakra (above). This raises the Mother Light,
the Kundalini life force and ascension coil from the base-of-the-spine
to the crown chakra, nourishing the energy centers of the body.
this initiation, the disciples of Christ intone the word in dynamic
decrees and mantras, and feel the flow of the sacred fire rushing
through their temples. They understand the supreme gift of speaking
with new tongues as God's word crystallizes from Spirit to matter.
and Truth of the Word

The fifth
initiation is the science and truth of the Word, given to us under
the Office of the Man by Jesus. It is an initiation of truth and
divine vision that accelerates the third eye chakra (above) and
supports the mission of the two witnesses.
Also known
as the “taking of serpents,” this initiation demands
for us to witness unto Truth in order to swallow up the original
lie of Serpent and all lies of fallen ones.
up serpents by the tail is necessary to bring in the City Foursquare.
Truth challenges the base of operation (tail) of the fallen ones.
They are exposed for what they are and their venom is consumed by
the sacred fire of God’s love.
and Service of the Word

The sixth
initiation is for the ministration and service of the Word, given
to us under the Office of the Lion by Lord Maitreya, and corresponds
to the gift of healing. It accelerates the solar plexus chakra (above),
“out of whose belly shall flow rivers of living water,”
in support of the mission of the Saints.
This initiation
can be described through the maxim, “Drink Me While I AM Drinking
Thee.” Through devotion to God, one gives and receives the
waters of the Word for emotional healing, purifying the desires
of the body of God on earth.
The light
in the temple increases through this mystical interchange and the
disciple becomes less subject to harm thrown his way, as it is written,
“If they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.”
of the Word

The seventh
initiation is for the alchemy of the Word, given to us under the
Office of the Calf by Gautama Buddha. It accelerates the seat of
the soul chakra (above), in support of the mission of the Great
This initiation
involves giving dynamic decrees on behalf of the great multitude,
specifically invoking the violet transmuting flame of the Holy Spirit
so that the light of the Rudy Ray may flow through you.
It also
involves using the science of the spoken word to stand, face, and
conquer the dragon who persecutes the Woman bringing forth the Manchild,
the Christ Consciousness within you and within the Great Multitude.
of the Word

The eighth
initiation is for the integration of the Word, given to us under
the Office of the Flying Eagle by Sanat Kumara. It opens the secret
chamber of the heart (above) in support of the mission of the woman
and her children.
This initiation
marks your integration with God through the eighth ray. It describes
the “open door which no man can shut,” the nexus between
heaven and earth through which the resurrection and ascension take
place. In this sacred space, the soul and Christ self unite in the
alchemical marriage. Here, the transition from Christhood to Buddhahood
also occurs as the culmination of the eightfold path.
The path
of integration is forged through patience and endurance, as we sincerely
repent our misdeeds and manipulations of the Beloved, and mourn
every moment of His absence. We must shun all ambition to receive
the alchemical marriage before the time appointed by God. To
achieve union with God takes tremendous determination and love,
of which Jesus spoke when he admonished us to love God with all
our heart, soul and mind.

to Become an Instrument of the Word
the name of God I AM THAT I AM, in the name of my own Christ Self,
I call to Beloved Lord Maitreya, Jesus, Gautama Buddha and Sanat
Kumara to help me to become the instrument of God's Word. Help
me to pass all initiations that would anchor the divine fohat
within me and increase my usefulness to my Holy Christ Self and
sponsoring master. Help
me to surrender all gossip, calumny and proud boasting so I can
preach the gospel in obedience to God’s Will. Help me to
overcome the desire for an ego-following, so that I can truly
reach souls and ignite that divine interchange with their Christ
Self. Help me to discern right from wrong and to exorcise evil
through love. Help me to speak with new tongues and pure intent
so the Mother Light can rise within me. Help me to take up serpents,
to witness unto truth and to expose the liar and his lie. Help
me to stand, face and conquer the dragon, and become an instrument
of violet flame healing. Grant me patience and endurance as I
sincerely repent the misdeeds and manipulations of the past that
have separated me from my Beloved. Help me overcome all ambition
to receive the alchemical marriage before the appointed time and
help me to replace human ambition with tremendous spiritual determination
and love.This
which I call forth for myself, I call forth for every lightbearer
on this planet. Let it be done according to God’s Holy Will.
Om. Amen.